Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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889 lines
; sound channel I sub routines
cnop 0,4
sound_I_0: tst.b sound_I_onf_master
bne.s sound_I_0_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff10.
move.b #1,sound_I_f_envelope
sound_I_0_exit: rts
cnop 0,4
sound_I_1: tst.b sound_I_onf_master
bne.s sound_I_duty_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff11.
and.b #%11000000,d6
cmp.b old_sound_I_duty,d6
beq.w sound_I_duty_exit
move.b d6,old_sound_I_duty
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_UnloadSound(a6)
move.l smpl_info_I,a0
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
lsr.b #6,d7
lea smpl_mem_1,a1
move.l (a1,d7.w*4),ahisi_Address(a0) ;address.
moveq.l #0,d0 ;sample number.
move.l #AHIST_SAMPLE,d1 ;type.
move.l smpl_info_I,a0 ;info field.
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2 ;ctrl.
jsr AHI_LoadSound(a6)
moveq.l #0,d0 ;channel.
moveq.l #0,d1 ;sample.
moveq.l #0,d2 ;offset.
move.l #8*512,d3 ;size (full).
moveq.l #1,d4 ;new faster variant
; moveq.l #0,d4
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d4 ;flags.
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetSound(a6)
move.l #2048,d2
move.l #131072,d1
sub.l sound_I_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_I_status
bne.s no_s_I_addz
move.l sound_I_v,d1
no_s_I_addz: move.l sound_I_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_I_2: tst.b sound_I_onf_master
bne.s sound_I_2_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff12.
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
lsr.b #4,d7
lea sound_env_volumes,a6
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_I_v
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_I_status
bne.s no_s_I_addx
move.l sound_I_v,d1
no_s_I_addx: move.l sound_I_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
move.b #1,sound_I_v_envelope
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
sound_I_2_exit: rts
cnop 0,4
sound_I_3: tst.b sound_I_onf_master
bne.s sound_I_3_exit
move.b d6,sound_I_fl ;$ff13.
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l #2048,d2
move.l #131072,d1
sub.l sound_I_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
sound_I_3_exit: rts
cnop 0,4
sound_I_4: tst.b sound_I_onf_master
bne.s sound_I_4_exit
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP) ;$ff14.
move.l ahi_base,a6
move.b d6,d0
and.b #%111,d6
and.b #%01000000,d0
move.b d6,sound_I_fh
move.b d0,(a2,d7.l)
move.l #2048,d2
move.l #131072,d1
sub.l sound_I_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
sound_I_4_exit: rts
; sound channel II sub routines
cnop 0,4
sound_II_1: tst.b sound_II_onf_master
bne.s sound_II_duty_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff16.
and.b #%11000000,d6
cmp.b old_sound_II_duty,d6
beq.w sound_II_duty_exit
move.b d6,old_sound_II_duty
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #1,d0
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_UnloadSound(a6)
move.l smpl_info_II,a0
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
lsr.b #6,d7
lea smpl_mem_1,a1
move.l (a1,d7.w*4),ahisi_Address(a0) ;address.
moveq.l #1,d0 ;sample number.
move.l #AHIST_SAMPLE,d1 ;type.
move.l smpl_info_II,a0 ;info field.
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2 ;ctrl.
jsr AHI_LoadSound(a6)
moveq.l #1,d0 ;channel.
moveq.l #1,d1 ;sample.
moveq.l #0,d2 ;offset.
move.l #8*512,d3 ;size (full).
moveq.l #1,d4
; moveq.l #0,d4
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d4 ;flags.
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetSound(a6)
move.l #2048,d2
move.l #131072,d1
sub.l sound_II_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_II_status
bne.s no_s_II_addz
move.l sound_II_v,d1
no_s_II_addz: move.l sound_II_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_II_2: tst.b sound_II_onf_master
bne.s sound_II_2_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff17.
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
lsr.b #4,d7
lea sound_env_volumes,a6
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_II_v
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_II_status
bne.s no_s_II_addx
move.l sound_II_v,d1
no_s_II_addx: move.l sound_II_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
move.b #1,sound_II_v_envelope
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_II_3: tst.b sound_II_onf_master
bne.s sound_II_3_exit
move.b d6,sound_II_fl ;$ff18.
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l #131072,d1
move.l #2048,d2
sub.l sound_II_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_II_4: tst.b sound_II_onf_master
bne.s sound_II_4_exit
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP) ;$ff19.
move.l ahi_base,a6
move.b d6,d0
and.b #%111,d6
and.b #%01000000,d0
move.b d6,sound_II_fh
move.b d0,(a2,d7.l)
move.l #131072,d1
move.l #2048,d2
sub.l sound_II_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #3,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
; sound channel III sub routines
cnop 0,4
sound_III_0: tst.b sound_III_onf_master
bne.s sound_III_0_exit
and.b #%10000000,d6 ;$ff1a.
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l)
bne.s sound_III_on
sound_III_off: movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.b #1,sound_III_onf_bit
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_III_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_III_on: clr.b sound_III_onf_bit
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_III_status
bne.s no_s_III_addq
move.l sound_III_v,d1
no_s_III_addq: move.l sound_III_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_III_1: tst.b sound_III_onf_master
bne.s sound_III_1_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff1b.
cnop 0,4
sound_III_2: tst.b sound_III_onf_master
bne.s sound_III_2_exit
and.b #%01100000,d6 ;$ff1c.
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l)
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
lsr.b #3,d6
and.l #%1100,d6
lea sound_III_vol,a1
move.l (a1,d6.w),sound_III_v
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_III_status
bne.s no_s_III_addp
move.l sound_III_v,d1
no_s_III_addp: move.l sound_III_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_III_3: tst.b sound_III_onf_master
bne.s sound_III_3_exit
move.b d6,sound_III_fl ;$ff1d.
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l #131072/2,d1
move.l #2048,d2
sub.l sound_III_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #5,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_III_4: tst.b sound_III_onf_master
bne.s sound_III_4_exit
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(SP) ;$ff1e.
move.b d6,d0
and.b #%111,d6
and.b #%01000000,d0
move.b d6,sound_III_fh
move.b d0,(a2,d7.l)
move.l #131072,d1
move.l #2048,d2
sub.l sound_III_f,d2
divu.l d2,d1
lsl.l #5,d1
and.l #%111111111111111111,d1
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
copy_snd_data: move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;copy the byte
;to gb ram.
sub.w #$ff30,d7
move.l sound_III_lst,a6
and.l #$ff,d6
move.w (a6,d6.w*2),d6
move.l smpl_III_mem,a6
move.w d6,(a6,d7.w*2) ;expand the steps.
; sound channel IV sub routines
cnop 0,4
sound_IV_1: tst.b sound_IV_onf_master
bne.s sound_IV_1_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff20.
cnop 0,4
sound_IV_2: tst.b sound_IV_onf_master
bne.s sound_IV_2_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff21.
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
lsr.b #4,d7
lea sound_env_volumes,a6
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_IV_v
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_IV_status
bne.s no_s_IV_addx
move.l sound_IV_v,d1
no_s_IV_addx: move.l sound_IV_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
move.b #1,sound_I_v_envelope
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_IV_3: tst.b sound_IV_onf_master
bne.s sound_IV_3_exit
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff22.
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.b d6,d7
lea sound_4_freq_table,a0
and.l #%111,d6
move.l (a0,d6.w*4),d1
lsr.b #4,d7
and.b #%1111,d7
addq.b #1,d7
lsr.l d7,d1
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #1,d2
; moveq.l #0,d2
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d2
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetFreq(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_IV_4: tst.b sound_IV_onf_master
bne.s sound_IV_4_exit
and.b #%01000000,d6 ;$ff23.
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l)
beq.s sound_IV_4_kicked
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_IV_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_IV_status
bne.s no_s_IV_addt
move.l sound_IV_v,d1
no_s_IV_addt: move.l sound_IV_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
; sound control routines
cnop 0,4
sound_V_0: move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff24.
; move.b d6,sound_master_bits
move.b 1(a2,d7.l),d6
sound_V_1: move.b d6,(a2,d7.l) ;$ff25.
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
lea pan_table,a6
lea onf_table,a2
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d6,d7
and.b #%10001,d7
move.b d7,d0
lsr.b #3,d7
and.b #%1,d0
or.b d0,d7
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_I_pan
move.b (a2,d7.w),sound_I_onf
move.b d6,d7
and.b #%100010,d7
lsr.b #1,d7
move.b d7,d0
lsr.b #3,d7
and.b #%1,d0
or.b d0,d7
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_II_pan
move.b (a2,d7.w),sound_II_onf
move.b d6,d7
and.b #%1000100,d7
lsr.b #2,d7
move.b d7,d0
lsr.b #3,d7
and.b #%1,d0
or.b d0,d7
move.l (a6,d7.w*4),sound_III_pan
move.b (a2,d7.w),sound_III_onf
and.l #%10001000,d6
lsr.b #3,d6
move.b d6,d0
lsr.b #3,d6
and.b #%1,d0
or.b d0,d6
move.l (a6,d6.w*4),sound_IV_pan
move.b (a2,d6.w),sound_IV_onf
sounds_on_jmp: move.l ahi_base,a6
tst.b snd_chnlI
bne.s no_I_vc
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_I_status
bne.s no_s_I_add
move.l sound_I_v,d1
no_s_I_add: move.l sound_I_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
no_I_vc: tst.b snd_chnlII
bne.s no_II_vc
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_II_status
bne.s no_s_II_add
move.l sound_II_v,d1
no_s_II_add: move.l sound_II_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
no_II_vc: tst.b snd_chnlIII
bne.s no_III_vc
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_III_status
bne.s no_s_III_add
move.l sound_III_v,d1
no_s_III_add: move.l sound_III_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
no_III_vc: tst.b snd_chnlIV
bne.s no_IV_vc
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.l sound_IV_status
bne.s no_s_IV_add
move.l sound_IV_v,d1
no_s_IV_add: move.l sound_IV_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
no_IV_vc: movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2
cnop 0,4
sound_V_2: and.b #%10001111,d6 ;$ff26.
move.b d6,(a2,d7.l)
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2,-(SP)
clr.b sound_I_onf_master
clr.b sound_II_onf_master
clr.b sound_III_onf_master
clr.b sound_IV_onf_master
btst #7,d6
bne.w sounds_on_jmp
sound_V_off: move.l ahi_base,a6
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_I_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
moveq.l #1,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_II_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
moveq.l #2,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_III_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
moveq.l #3,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l sound_IV_pan,d2
moveq.l #1,d3
; moveq.l #0,d3
; bset #AHISB_IMM,d3
move.l ahi_audio_ctrl,a2
jsr AHI_SetVol(a6)
move.b d3,sound_I_onf_master
move.b d3,sound_II_onf_master
move.b d3,sound_III_onf_master
move.b d3,sound_IV_onf_master
; move.b #1,sound_I_onf_master
; move.b #1,sound_II_onf_master
; move.b #1,sound_III_onf_master
; move.b #1,sound_IV_onf_master
move.l gb_memory,a0 ;reset the sound registers.
add.l #$ff00,a0
clr.b $10(a0)
clr.b $11(a0)
clr.b $12(a0)
clr.b $13(a0)
clr.b $14(a0)
clr.b $16(a0)
clr.b $17(a0)
clr.b $18(a0)
clr.b $19(a0)
clr.b $1a(a0)
clr.b $1b(a0)
clr.b $1c(a0)
clr.b $1d(a0)
clr.b $1e(a0)
clr.b $20(a0)
clr.b $21(a0)
clr.b $22(a0)
clr.b $23(a0)
movem.l (SP)+,d0-d3/a0-a2